What Week of Pregnancy should I do Photoshoot?

Maternity is arguably the purest of all feelings in a woman’s life. There is nothing more fulfilling than becoming a mother. Nurturing a baby for 9 months is an exciting journey. Living it to the fullest extent is soulfully rejuvenating for every ‘would-be’ mother. It is important to chronicle the experience. There are changes in your body not only internally, but externally, too. The easiest way to chronicle the wonderful journey and its moments is by taking photographs. You can take selfies or ask a friend to click. But, a better step is to hire professional photographers to shoulder the responsibility. Probably the most crucial question that puts you in a dilemma is about the timing of the photoshoot. At what stage of your pregnancy should you go for a photoshoot? It is vital to have clear ideas on the matter. The ideal period is recommended as anywhere between 30 weeks and 36 weeks of your pregnancy. Most top professional Pregnancy Photoshoots take place in this period. You ...